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Ethics and research integrity implementation in the international research context

Ethics and research integrity implementation in the international research context

The EARMA Ethics and Research Integrity Officer Network (ERION) discussed international research and collaboration challenges during its 9th meeting on 10 May 2022 in Brussels. This was a very special event bringing together around 50 members of the community after two years of fully working online.

During the workshop, participants discussed the challenges for collaboration in the European Union and at international level with representatives from the European Commission, the Asia Pacific Research Integrity (APRI) Network and the African Research Integrity Networks. Discussions focused on the European Research Area (ERA) Pact, the Global Approach to Research and Innovation as well as on the Research Fairness Initiative (COHRED), the Cape Town Statement on Fostering Research Integrity, and challenges towards international harmonisation of research practices.

In addition, speakers from the ERION community brought different perspectives on important topics such as ethics review systems and challenges in research ethics processes in Africa; knowledge safety and respect for human rights at partner organisations; transfers of personal (research) data outside of EU; The Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing and implications for research. 

Meeting ERION May 10, 2022

Some members of the community will bring the discussions forward at the World Conference on Research Integrity in Cape Town, 29 May – 1st June. 

For more information about the ERION meeting (presentations, agenda etc.), please visit the EARMA ERION collaboration space here

The next EARMA ERION meeting will take place in autumn 2022. We will soon announce date and location. Please stay-tuned!

To know more about the ERION community, please go here.