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Submit your articles

Submit your articles

Do you have a burning topic that you want to get off your chest, have you noticed something in your day-to-day work that could help other RMAs or do you have an issue you would like to bring awareness to?

EARMA will launch a brand new IT platform in August 2021, which will include a new members’ website for you to enjoy and use to connect with our membership. In preparation for this launch, we would like you to share your RMA related ideas. This space will be your space and we want to encourage discussion and debate within the EARMA community.

To be included among the first articles published on this new website, we would ask that you submit your pieces to EARMA’s communications officer, Nyle Lennon, via email to by August 1, 2021. Please note that articles will be proofed for spelling and grammar and that EARMA holds editorial approval over publishing.

We cannot wait to read your entries and share them with our EARMA community.