RM Roadmap Knowledge and Community Platform

RM Roadmap Knowledge and Community Platform

RM Roadmap Knowledge and Community Platform

How to engage on the new EARMA online co-creation space

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Event date: Monday, September 25, 2023
Event time: 14:00 - 15:30 CEST

Registration: This event is free of charge, but as for all our events, registration is required. Just click on the yellow button at the top of this page and see here how to access the event


Event Description:

Join us for an introduction to the dynamic online co-creation platform created by the RM Roadmap project, https://www.rmroadmap.eu/. This open-for-all event is an introduction for Research Managers (RM)  to a platform designed to connect professionals, fostering thematic and national collaborations through a new co-creation space.

The Knowledge and Community Platform (KCP) constitutes a transformative platform that provides an arena for RMs to initiate, contribute to, and authenticate discussions on a variety of topics, including career pathways. The core design of KCP is dynamic, allowing it to cross beyond national and thematic limits, providing participants with the opportunity to co-create consensus documents and engage in important discussions.

Driving these discussions will be our distinguished RM Roadmap ambassadors in close collaboration with the project consortium. Consensus documents will be discussed on the KCP online platform; these documents are intended to reflect the majority perspective and will be open for participant voting.

We want to emphasise that this event is accessible to all interested parties. The primary aim is to offer a comprehensive introduction to interacting with the RM Roadmap Knowledge and Community Platform before the first session starts in October 2023. We invite every RM to engage and propel this co-creation process forward. Your presence and participation will undoubtedly be crucial to the success of this effort.





Nik Claesen

Nik is the main coordinator behind the RM ROADMAP project. He is a seasoned professional with more than 6 years of experience as the Managing Director of the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA). His mission is to enhance the quality of research support across Europe by establishing a network for professional development and best practice sharing.


Borana Taraj 2 round

Borana Taraj
Borana Taraj is the Head of European projects at EARMA. She manages the European projects portfolio and related communities, and she supervises the EARMA EU projects team. She is co-coordinating the RM ROADMAP project with Nik Claesen, EARMA’s Managing Director.


For further information and queries: Don't hesitate to contact events@earma.org.


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101058475.